A letter to the editor by Alex Seymour
My rant for today involves solicitations coming home from the schools.
My 2nd grader has brought home after two weeks of school solicitations
from private businesses that would total thousands of dollars if we
would have paid any attention to them. What does this have to do with
educating my child? I called Guilford County schools office and talked
to the Communications head bureaucrat who talked down to me repeatedly,
then after a lot of questioning admitted that she has been working of a
new "flyer" policy for months and Guilford County now gets kickbacks
from a internet company that screens the advertisements, collects money
from these businesses and that allows them to advertise through the
teachers directly to the captive children that have been taught to
listen to their teachers. Why are we paying administrators to advertise
to our children? Why do our teachers need to waste their time handing
out paid advertisements? I know money is tight for the education system
but does selling our children down the river of overspending and pushing
them to sell junk food or go to "spirit nights" at fast food places and
ice cream shops serve any purpose other than kickbacks for somebody?
Originally posted to Elect Alex Seymour.