Friday, May 15, 2015

On Jim Westmoreland's Recommended 2015-2016 Budget

Jim is expecting Sales Tax revenues to rise $3,553,504
from $42,649,430 to $46,202,934,
even though consumer spending
is falling off a cliff.

Meanwhile; "Growth expectations have rolled over dramatically while at the same time valuations (P/Es) have continued to surge ever higher." = Fake Financial Markets

And Southern Consumer Comfort tanks;

And US Equity Decoupling

to rise $7,551,686
from $165,740,633 to $173,292,319, 
which includes higher water and sewer rates
while your City Council members tell you 
there isn't a tax increase.

And Value of Manufactures' New Orders for Consumer Goods Industries

While Credit Application Rejections Spike

And Regional Manufacturing Surveys - Orders vs. Inventory Spread Sinks

With Current "Levels Normally Associated With Recessions"

As China Non-Performing Loans Surge

While Wall Street covers the real news up with bogus accounting

As China Rail Freight, Year over Year, = Worse than 2008 - 2009

While Euro-zone multiples = Bubble

All this right before the Fed's Janet Yellen
told everyone the stock market is overbought this past week,
which most ignored, 
as the Swiss, Japanese and other global central banks
purchase equity markets with pretend money.

Either Jim Westmoreland doesn't know and should, 
he is purposefully playing the electorate in an election year, 
or he is on Fantasy Island.