Saturday, April 2, 2016

8/7/2009; If premeditated crime tends to occur in easily accessed and escapable areas, and the Urban Loop is slated to have conveniently located entrance and exit ways on Battleground Avenue, around Lake Brandt Road, on Elm Street, Yanceyville Street and Route 29 etc…?

A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing
one that sounds good and a real one

J P Morgan

If causes, actions or winners have effects, reactions or losers, and A is caused, allowed, accelerated, held back or prevented, is it better to pre-think what could happen to B, C and D than not?

Everybody sooner or later
sits down to a banquet of consequences
Robert Louis Stevenson

Can non-random events cause random effects?
"Disgruntled residents are hoping to make a statement about how serious a problem the loop is causing, said Steve Gladson, a resident of King's Mill neighborhood.

The loop goes through the middle of Gladson's neighborhood. It has a partial noise wall, but the wall is not tall enough to be effective, he said.

Government officials bear blame for allowing development too close to the eight-lane highway, Gladson said.

"They've allowed development where it should never have been," he said. "But no one in government wants to take responsibility for it."

Mills said the DOT will do whatever it can for people whose houses were built before 1996, when DOT publicly announced the loop's route.

"Anybody who built after that, we can't do anything for," he said. "We depend on the local government to advise people who are building new houses."

Taft Wireback

Greensboro News and Record

During times of economic volatility, how can answers be found
of what may be the best interests of the city, 
if what could be less than relevant questions dominate political debate
by biased and outright crooked mainstream journalists who don't give a shit?

"Residents near the western Urban Loop gave transportation planners an earful about the new road's incessant noise…

Loop neighbor Ron Frazier said he was speaking for "over 300 neighbors" whose lives have been turned upside down by the noise and the lack of meaningful help from either state or local officials. "Some of them have to sleep with the TV on all night or with earplugs."

…DOT…is limited by federal highway regulations in what it can do about noise issues, said Mike Mills, DOT's division engineer for the Greensboro area.

Greensboro Councilwoman Sandra Anderson Groat asked if the issue should be DOT's alone: "Do we not at the City Council have a responsibility to these taxpaying citizens?"

Told the city had agreed to provide landscaping beyond what DOT can furnish along the route, she said that didn't sound like enough."

Taft Wireback
Greensboro News and Record