Saturday, April 8, 2017

Ponzi? From Say Yes to Education's 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015 IRS 990 tax form
"Weisshorn Re AG Chairman George Weiss commented, "We are thrilled to have someone of Pat's caliber leading our organization. In order to build a world-class reinsurance firm, we were committed to selecting a proven leader with deep knowledge in insurance, reinsurance and the broader capital markets."

Once again, George Weiss is making money on the monies he 'sets aside' 
to send kids to college
and the News and Record won't tell anyone

Total return for the S&P 500 between 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015;  8.231%
with dividends reinvested, but without investment management fees included
Say Yes to Education gave $590,000 to Guilford Education Alliance to "Support Say Yes Implementation;

Weiss made Say Yes to Education $13,395,590 between 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015;

Weiss started with $32,426,079 invested on 7/1/2014;
Weiss ended up with $42,487,221 on 6/30/2015;
Let's say the average amount of money invested between 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015
was $35 million.

$13,395,590 / $35,000,000 = is about a 38% return for the year.

8.231% of $35 million is about $2,880,850, 
if the money was invested in the S&P 500.

Say Yes to Education wants the IRS and the public to believe 
that his investments outperformed the stock market by about 4.75 times
between 7/1/2014 and 6/30/2015,
even though his publicly available performance doesn't show it.

Weiss made $16,657,004 on less money between 7/1/2013 and 6/30/2014,
ending up with $32,426,079;
After starting out with about $26 million on 6/30/13;

Being extremely generous, 
let's say the average amount of money invested between 7/1/2013 to 6/30/2014
was $30 million.

 / $30,000,000 = is about a 55% return for the year

between 7/1/2013 to 6/30/2014

The total return for the S&P 500 for the same time frame was 20.588%;

20.588% of $30 million is about $7,764,000, 
if the money was invested in the S&P 500.

Say Yes to Education wants the IRS and the public to believe 
that his investments outperformed the stock market by about twice as much

between 7/1/2013 and 6/30/2014,

and then knocking the trading gains out of the ball park the next year.

Meanwhile, most of the money is still located outside of the United States;

Dear Donnie Turlington and Mary Vigue; Please explain why Say Yes to Education's money is in Central America

Say Yes to Education's amazing, quite unbelievable investment performance

George 'Say Yes to Education' Weiss and Associates;"...the hedge fund portfolio reportedly returned more than 50% per year on an annual basis", except for when it didn't

Former City of Greensboro Assistant Manager Mary Vigue used her position to personally profit via Say Yes to Education and Say Yes Guilford

Gag order and censorship for Guilford County teachers by Say Yes to Education and Angela Jackson of Guilford County's Association of Educators

George Weiss doesn't mind using massive leverage and illegal tax avoidance