Sunday, May 7, 2017

What's The Real Deal With The Christian Publishing Building?

In an article titled Rare Egyptian Revival Building Scheduled For Demolition, Benjamin Briggs of Preservation Greensboro wrote the following on May 4, 2017:

On May 5, Katei Cranford posted the following statement to her Facebook page out of concern for this historic Greensboro building:

"Hey Greensboro Masonic Temple, what's it gonna take for you to not demolish that building?

Aren't y'all about preservation and light and all good things like that? Why are you working as a force of destruction for a beautiful piece of GSO architecture? Surely there is a more productive solution."

A very interesting conversation took place in which Dillard Moss, Treasurer of the Greensboro Masonic Temple attempted to divert people to another thread at David Hoggard's Facebook Page.

But explanations weren't very forthcoming.

At Katei's thread the following comment was left by Greensboro Masonic Temple "Several Commercial Real Estate agents in the area have known this building was available for at least 3 years."

Yes, I got a screen grab.

Now this statement by Greensboro Masonic Temple is important and here is why.

On Sunday, May 7, 2017 I posted a link to my Facebook page with my only comment being a link to Joni Mitchel singing, They Paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot. You see, I just wanted to see what else might turn up. And turn up it did when Greensboro Attorney  Janet Marie Wallace left the following comment:

Now why would someone claiming to be the Greensboro Masonic Temple   make the claim that the building has been for sale for 3 years if the property has never been listed for sale?

Ms Wallace wasn't the only one who couldn't find the listing. Neither could I.

Is it common for relators to sell properties which are not listed? Don't relators usually sign contracts and list properties before selling them? Isn't that the means by which relators make sure they get paid?

While we can't know the answer an overhead view of the 400 block of West Friendly Avenue taken from the Guilford County GIS website might give us a clue.

Don't bother supporting Benjamin Briggs and Preservation Greensboro. When the deal was made with Roy Carroll to give up Preservation Greensboro's historic downtown building so that Carroll could build his downtown project the fate of Preservation Greensboro was sealed. The foundations that used to pay for the projects done by Preservation Greensboro are tapped out-- all their available money committed to the Steven Tanger Performing Arts Center and the projects that will be needed to support it like the parking garage that will be built where the Christian Building stands today.

And years into the future, the members of Greensboro's Masonic Temple will be able to look up at the monstrosity of a parking garage that towers above their temple and say to themselves as Greensboro's economy crumbles, "We made this happen."

Guess that's why Cathie Bowman Moss wrote: "and most of you don't have the right to know all of the facts."
Yes, of course I got a screen grab.

Cathie Bowman Moss never answered Katei's question, "Has the building been placed on the market?"

And when you see that announcement that a new parking garage is being built in the 400 block of West Friendly-- remember, I told you first.