"Even with the gain in service industry employment, Greensboro did not keep pace with other top ten North Carolina cities."
With the exception of 2015, the poverty rate in Greensboro has been higher than state and national rates since 2005.
• Median earnings in Greensboro have increased, but lag behind state and national averages, as well as behind several of the top ten cities in North Carolina.
• Combined costs of housing and transportation in Greensboro in 2015 were higher than the national average and higher than many of the top ten cities in North Carolina.
Since 2000, the increasing percentage of Greensboro’s population attaining either a high school education or bachelor’s degree has not kept pace with the state or the nation.
Guilford County’s infant mortality rate has increased since 2000.
Since 2008, the overall condition of street pavement dropped by 40%.
Ten bridges in Greensboro are structurally deficient and an additional twelve are functionally obsolete.
Could many who believe Greensboro's government
Our community has been designed for a political and business elite to enrich themselves
With the exception of 2015, the poverty rate in Greensboro has been higher than state and national rates since 2005.
• Median earnings in Greensboro have increased, but lag behind state and national averages, as well as behind several of the top ten cities in North Carolina.
• Combined costs of housing and transportation in Greensboro in 2015 were higher than the national average and higher than many of the top ten cities in North Carolina.
Since 2000, the increasing percentage of Greensboro’s population attaining either a high school education or bachelor’s degree has not kept pace with the state or the nation.
Guilford County’s infant mortality rate has increased since 2000.
Since 2008, the overall condition of street pavement dropped by 40%.
Ten bridges in Greensboro are structurally deficient and an additional twelve are functionally obsolete.
The secure, the successful and some who have power or access
make and profit from Greensboro's public policy of taxpayer funded handouts
Poverty grew in Greensboro by 85% between 2000 and 2016,
under the watchful eyes of our elected leaders
and the oligarchs who own their decision making
Could many who believe Greensboro's government
should pledge their children’s future income
to prevent the failure of local businesses
be indirectly advocating a political system other than capitalistic democracy?
Our community has been designed for a political and business elite to enrich themselves
at the expense of everyone else
Much of the population edures economic frustrations as the connected prosper upon the many
Greensboro's owners reap money borrowed from taxpayers via political favors
at the expense of everyone else
Some our upper-middle class is doing fairly well,
but the average family pays higher prices for food,
fuel, education and medical care as a percent of income,
and we are losing a generation of younger citizens to enrich our elders;
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=37021 |
If local workers earn, pay taxes, spend, save and invest while retirees divest, downsize,
budget and draw income and healthcare benefits,
what’s going to happen when more retirees want what fewer workers may not be able to deliver?
"Greensboro’s population has grown by 28.2% since 2000, more than the state and national growth rate..."
In the next section;
...Much of Greensboro’s total population growth since 2000 is attributed to annexation (42.5%)."
Greensboro's downfall has been the connected politicians, elites, and media pundits
who enable, run and pilfer our city;
Human beings are… of two persuasions
the first would spend tomorrow what they earn today
the second would spend today what they hope to earn tomorrow
From this…arise all conflicts that lead to economic crises
to panics, depressions, violent and revolutionary transfers of wealth
and perhaps most wars
Freeman Tilden
Corruption of Greensboro's political, capitalist and information systems
negatively influenced economic performance and consumer behavior
through legislation, budget appropriation, regulation and taxation
to benefit a few at the expense of many
"Although Greensboro’s population density increased between 2000 and 2016, most comparable North Carolina cities experienced significantly greater increases."
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=37021 |
Should you do what you need to whether you like it or not
sooner than later?
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny
when the government fears the people, there is liberty
Thomas Jefferson
How should Greensboro's residents respond
if the City's economic and political leadership
rigged the local economy for themselves and their benefactors
with the help of a compliant press?
Greensboro Age Cohorts and Change in Percent of Age Cohorts, 2000 to 2016;
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=38068 |
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=37021 |
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul,
can always depend on the support of Paul.
George Bernard Shaw
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=38068 |
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=37021 |
Since 2000, employment among the industry groups and sectors in Greensboro has shifted dramatically:
manufacturing lost over 4,000 jobs, while services gained around 22,000. Even with the gain in service industry employment, Greensboro did not keep pace with other top ten North Carolina cities
Median earnings in Greensboro have increased, but lag behind state and national averages, as well as behind several of the top ten cities in North Carolina.
Combined costs of housing and transportation in Greensboro in 2015 was higher than the national average and higher than many of the top ten cities in North Carolina.
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https://www.greensboro-nc.gov/home/showdocument?id=37021 |
City of Greensboro | DRAFT: March 15, 2018
Socioeconomic disharmonies will likely increase.
They’re insulated from many of the effects of their decisions.
Current Greensboro City Council Members and Candidates for local elected office, should be prohibited from accepting campaign contributions from board members of organizations, developers, contractors or their lawyers or agents who have or may receive taxpayer funded contracts or monies, for 12 months before and after doing business with Greensboro’s government.