Sunday, June 30, 2019

Since July 2016, the City of Greensboro increased its budget by $46.9 million per year, more than 11%, while overall taxation increased by about 15% to pay for it

During its June 18 meeting, Greensboro City Council approved a $566.5 million budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year.

During its June 19 meeting, Greensboro City Council approved a $543.5 million budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

During its June 20 meeting, Greensboro City Council approved a $534.6 million budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year

City Council adopted the 2016-17 Annual Net Budget, totaling $519,671,117, on June 7, 2016.

Water and sewer rates increase by four percent...

The average bill for a customer inside the city limits will increase $1.81 per month

City of Greensboro, 2019

June 19, 2018; The city is raising the water and sewer rate by 3.5 percent for all users, effective July 1.

The budget includes a water rate increase of 3.5% for customers both inside and outside the city limits to be effective July 1, 2018.

This modest rate increase translates to about $1.53 per month for the typical household inside the city and about $3.82 per month for households outside the city.

It’s worth noting that the $2.50 cent fee 
will raise almost exactly the same amount of revenue for the city 
as an additional 1 cent on the tax rate.

The Rhino Times

06/20/2017; "City Council Approves FY 2017-18 budget

The approved budget maintains the current City property tax rate of 63.25 cents per $100 property valuation for the 8th consecutive year. While the current tax rate is 2.11 cents higher than the revenue neutral tax rate, it allows the City to dedicate additional funding for debt service...

A 2.11 cent/3.3345% tax increase

To support on-going water and sewer maintenance, rehabilitation, regulatory, and capital replacement needs, a water and sewer rate increase of 3.25 percent for inside City users and 5.5 percent for outside City users is included, effective July 1. This equates to an average bill increase of $1.38 per month for inside City customers and $5.69 per month for outside City customers who use Greensboro’s water and sewer infrastructure."

$1.81 + $1.53 + $1.38 = $4.72 in water tax increases in three years

The Adopted Budget includes an increase in the Motor Vehicle License Fee from $10 per vehicle to $30 per vehicle. This fee increase will generate an additional $4.2 million in user fee revenue.

The FY 16-17 Water Resources Adopted Budget includes a rate increase of 4.5% for residents inside city limits and 4.5% for residents outside city limits to be effective July 1, 2016. This rate increase will result in a $1.83 increase per month for city residents.

$1.81 + $1.53 + $1.38 = $1.83 = $6.55 in water tax increases in four years

$6.55 x 12 = another $78.60 per year more in water tax increases in the last four years

City of Greensboro raises taxes by 7.5%, but most don't know, as our local media didn't tell anyone
If a "$2.50 cent fee will raise almost exactly the same amount of revenue for the city as an additional 1 cent on the tax rate", and $2.50 x 12 = $30 per year more in taxes is about a $0.01 property tax increases;

Water tax ; $6.55 / $2.5 = 2.62 property tax "cents" worth in water taxes have been racked up since 2016

Property tax; 66.25 - 61.14 = 5.11 cents of tax increases since 2017

Recycle 2019; 1 cent equivalent

Auto fees 2016; $20 increase = 0.66 cent property tax equivalent increase

2.62 + 5.11 + 1 + 0.66 = 9.39 cents in property tax equivalent increases in Greensboro since 2016

9.39 / 61.14 = about 15% of tax increases in Greensboro since 2016