Thursday, February 9, 2012

Asking the Citizens for Economic & Environmental Justice For Help

I'm sending the following e-mail to the Citizens for Economic & Environmental Justice:

Subject: New Project For CEEJ

I'm a 55 year old lifetime resident of Northeast Greensboro. We lived at our current address even before it was annexed into the City of Greensboro circa 1964. I spent my lifetime watching East Greensboro die a slow death and I'm fed up with lip service, lies, double crosses and token gestures by the Greensboro City Council.

That's why I'm asking the CEEJ to join me in building the East Greensboro Performing Arts Center, aka, The Randall Jarrell Performing Arts Center, instead of the downtown performing arts center.

The exact location is here:

Building a community gem in East Greensboro will force the Greensboro City Council to take an interest in East Greensboro as they cannot afford to allow their star project to fail.

Thanks -Billy Jones

PS. I'll be copying this letter to here:

I'm awaiting their reply.

Update: I e-mailed the link to but the e-mail returned as undeliverable so I can only assume the CEEJ was only about the White Street Landfill and not about all things, economic and environmental justice. Figures, I guess.

Continue to article #31 Asking The Rhino Times