Monday, March 12, 2012

Performing Arts Task Force Says Downtown Might Not Be Best Location

Make no doubt, Ross Harris, campaign manager for Mayor Perkins and appointed leader of the performing arts center task force is not going to recommend any location other than downtown but as shown in this video from Fox8, not all of the 50 members of task force are convinced. And neither am I.

Imagine that?

I still believe that every Greensboro community is in need of economic development and not just downtown. I believe that communities other than downtown and northwest Greensboro deserve to share in Greensboro's economic treasures and that jobs should be made available where those most in need of jobs live and not way out on the county line where the people who live there, moved there to get away from the city.

That's why I support putting the Greensboro Performing Arts Center in the Northeast Greensboro so that all of our neighborhoods can share in the prosperity.

And for those of you who found this site by googling, "are robbie perkins and ross harris an item?" I haven't a clue.

Continue to article #62. Downtown Greensboro Performing Arts Center In The News.