Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's About Our Neighborhoods-- All Of Them

Greensboro has a long history of racism, classism and elitism that needs to finally be brought to a close. Every working class neighborhood in Greensboro has its own bucket of broken promises made by city leaders. Promises are made to improve neighborhoods and the bonds are passed but the bonds are never sold before the next bond being pushed by Greensboro's "movers and shakers" gets pushed through, passed and quickly put on sale.

Take the Summit Corridor improvements for example. The Aycock Historic District fought hard to get the city to improve the streetscape and save the historic World War I Veterans Memorial Stadium back in 2002. Bonds were approved by the voters but 10 years later the bonds have yet to be sold. But the proposed downtown performing arts center is supposed to be voted on, passed, bonds sold and concerts playing in 5 and 1/2 years.

And the promised streetscape improvements? Never happened.

Construction on the Downtown Greenway continues while other Greensboro neighborhoods get nothing.

In 2004, my neighborhood was promised a grocery store the city council knew they'd never make happen. Instead, we get 1000 acres of empty promises and a bill for $8 Million Dollars to close the landfill.

All the while they talk about economic stimulus and jobs, the only stimulus goes to our downtown developers and out of state general contractors. And the occasional local good old boy who happened to make a donation to a campaign fund or offered to fly city council members around in his personal jet.

The numbers don't jive. They never do. They don't even know where the money went.

There are over 24,000 locals out of work and they want to build in the one neighborhood that according to downtown boosters, is thriving? Where's the Citizens for Economic & Environmental Justice when you need them?

It's about our neighborhoods. All our neighborhoods and not just downtown and Irving Park. Please e-mail city council and tell them that until our neighborhoods get our fair share, downtown Greensboro gets nothing. And please tell them to place the Greensboro Performing Arts Center in the little green circle or don't build it at all.

Continue to article #60. While Downtown Goes Up, Your Neighborhood Goes Down.