Thursday, September 6, 2012


I've been accused of being a muckraker because of my reporting of the Sanders-Lomax Scandal. Never mind my years of positive ideas like Greensboro's New Fashioned Political Rally, Matching Funds For Small Business, A Better Idea For Greensboro Bonds and the hundreds that disappeared from the Internet when I could no longer afford paid hosting, I'm a muckraker.

Okay, I can live with that. Here's why:

Muckrakers are the plumbers of the journalism world. We do the jobs the "real journalists" don't want to touch for fear of getting their hands dirty. Case in point: I've notified our local media outlets about the Sanders-Lomax Scandal and all have either ignored my request to look into the story or in the case of our local daily newspaper, outright refused to look into the matter.

So when your newlywed drops her $3 Million Dollar diamond engagement ring into the plumbing don't bother calling a journalist. Call someone who isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty of loosing a few of his advertisers. We muckrakers have our place and like plumbers there are times when you need us and only we can do the job.

Keep sending me those tips Greensboro. I ain't scared.