Monday, June 3, 2013

GPAC Contributor Has History Of RUCO Violations

Remember the $3.5 Million from the Phillips Foundation to fund the building of the downtown Greensboro Performing Arts Center. Well it just so happens ol' Kermit Phillips "earned" his riches as the owner of one of the largest property management companies in the Southeastern United States with low rent properties in several states including North Carolina. And it just so happens the Phillips family ran afoul of RUCO standards multiple occasions.

Could you imagine expecting people to pay rent to live in apartments damaged by fire, smoke and water? Phillips Management did.

Isn't it sweet how 25 year old Ms Elizabeth Phillips is giving back her Daddy's ill gotten gains by donating to Greensboro's elite? Like so many of Greensboro's elites, Ms Phillips is now learning it's best to stay hidden in your caves.

This and more as Hell Day continues right here in Greensboro.