Wednesday, August 19, 2015

O. P. Coast Rica Here We Come

It didn't take long for one of our research assistants here at to track down the parent company of Hollywood Gold, the San Jose, Costa Rica strip club, casino and brothel I told you about in my article, Greensboro Women, What Would You Do If You Were Married To A Pimp? and while we wait for answers from the City of Greensboro on my Public Information Request as described in the second article What Are They Hiding? I thought I'd go ahead and tell you a bit more about what we've found.

Charles T Petrucci is a bit of a mysterious character. Not much is known about him but his partner Darryl McCarroll is easy to find.

The thing about strip clubs, brothels and casinos is that while they can become very profitable they are usually short lived, change names very quickly and almost never qualify for bank loans. Banks don't want to be associated with these sorts of businesses because of the risk to their bottom line as well as the risk to their staunch conservative reputations as places that abide by the law and don't get involved in nefarious operations. And then there's the overhead with constant trips to and from Costa Rica...

For this reason front men like Charlie Petrucci and Darryl McCarroll rarely, if ever, manage to start these sorts of businesses without the help of private investors like Greensboro's Irving Park Elites.

Same goes for businesses like AAA Darryl's Bail Bonding owned by Darryl McCarroll. I mean seriously folks, what banker in his or her right mind would loan start-up funding to a bail bonding company whose customers are flight risks? By the way, if you click on that last link it takes you to a site called SaleSpider where I found the link to Darryl's website. I would have linked there but Darryl is too broke to keep his website up and running.

Working in the bail bond business has its advantages. Mr McCarroll got to spend lots of time in and around the Guilford County Courthouse in downtown Greensboro-- even had an office around the corner next door to the Carolina Theatre-- where he got to meet and spend lots of time with Greensboro's most powerful attorneys, judges and other powerful figures. People who were loaded with cash and looking for off shore investments.

Of course Darryll has had it rough lately as his sweepstakes empire has also gone up in smoke.

Being Darryl's loosing his ass maybe we should just let it all go... Ya' think?

Well maybe not, here's Darryll while at work for the American Legion working a little kickback scam with a company called  Triad Oral Surgery and the Veterans Administration. See if you can catch him in the act.

Did you catch it? Ask a friend to watch it and explain it to you. Oh, we copied the video in-case Darrell sees it and has it removed from Youtube.

Next we have Darryll's resume. Well actually we have 2 resumes both posted at I'm giving you screen grabs in case the get taken down or changed plus hyperlinks so you can see how they look right now.

 Resume 1

Resune 2

Notice anything strange? We found a lot of anomalies leading us to believe that someone in law enforcement should be making a visit to Darryl McCarroll sometime in the very near future. You know, like they do me when the politicians get nervous about what I'm writing.

Continue reading Part 4, What the Elites Do Under The Table