Saturday, March 24, 2012

Impact Greensboro: Always From The Top Down

Greensboro's downtown boosters and real estate developers never give up in their efforts to get you and I to pay for their projects. The latest is from Impact Greensboro another arm of the Center for Creative Leadership and Jim Melvin's Bryan Foundation:
"In January 2012, Greensboro City Council asked the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to facilitate a diverse, representative and community-wide Task Force to study the economic feasibility of a downtown performing arts center."

But no mention of economic feasibility for other Greensboro neighborhoods. How can a feasibility study only include one neighborhood-- downtown?

No one from my community is there to represent us. No one is talking about growth for Northeast Greensboro or jobs in Northeast Greensboro. As a matter of fact: Impact Greensboro and their partners in crime plan to skip right over East Greensboro to the county line 10 miles to our east.

And you can bank on the fact that none of their 50 chosen participants will do anything other than echo the wishes of Jim Melvin and Mayor "Pave-it" Perkins.

Where's the Citizens for Economic & Environmental Justice when we need them most?

Impact Greensboro is just another of Jim Melvin's top down organizations that, like Action Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro Inc, the Greensboro Partnership and others, are simply public relations arms to spread the TREBIC and downtown developers' propaganda: build at any cost as long as the taxpayers foot the bills. And let us not forget that these are the same people who destroyed my home and the homes of thousands of other Greensboro residents to make themselves rich.

Change agents or more of the same top-down promotion that got Greensboro to where it is today-- another dying city.

Continue to article #78 The Plan: Leave Greensboro Communities Out In The Cold.