Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spag To The Rescue

Spag and I don't often agree. He's a dyed in the wool conservative and I'm a yellow dog liberal. But in the comments over at, Spag wrote:

"Let's not forget that people don't want just a PAC. They insist on a DOWNTOWN PAC. All of that talk about culture, etc. seems secondary to exactly where that culture is located. That's why it's important to follow the money. My guess is that the enthusiasm and need for more cultural amenities wanes the farther you get from Market and Elm.

Plus, let's not forget that UNCG, A&T, Guilford College, and Greensboro College all provide venues for such cultural amenities at present.

The argument that Greensboro is deprived just doesn't hold up. This is about downtown and the inferiority complex."

Not knowing exactly how Spag might feel about being outed I will say that Spag doesn't live in one of Greensboro's poorer neighborhoods. Spag lives in one of our county's more high end areas and works in a downtown law office. And yet Spag understands the point I've been making since Day 1: this isn't about Greensboro in so much as it's about following the money to the few connected elites who stand to make $Millions from this project.

After all, if it were really about Greensboro they would be willing to at least discuss placing the performing arts center somewhere other than downtown or the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. Have no doubt, I've proven my case and thousands already know it.

So how do they go about getting the PAC built? Click here to learn how to repair the rift and consider placing the PAC somewhere other than downtown.