Thursday, September 20, 2012

Love Greensboro, The Real Deal

The other day I wrote of the faux Love Greensboro "grassroots" movement, the one supported by tens of thousands of Dollars of monies from foundations like Action Greensboro and the Bryan Foundation. Well it just so happens they ripped-off the entire idea, even the name, from the original Buy Local Love Greensboro founded 8 mounts earlier which has been until now, supported entirely out of one woman's personal bank account. Posters, offers, contests, everything she pays for herself because she loves Greensboro. Turns out the "movers and shakers" behind the faux group even demanded she close her effort down because it sounded too much like the name they ripped-off from her.

This, my friends, is the kinds of things you can expect from the nice people who run Greensboro. You see, it's the only way they know.