Monday, November 19, 2012

The Thing Mayor Perkins Hasn't Mentioned Yet

It was bad enough that the Mayor can't pay his bills and that he was sued by his father-in-law. Bad enough that he is running around on his wife and hasn't paid his child support. It was bad enough that Mayor Robbie Perkins has embarrassed the entire City of Greensboro. Bad enough that he planned to use the Greensboro Performing Arts Center as a means to prop up his failing business at taxpayers' expense. It was certainly bad enough that the IRS attached liens to the Mayor's house and Downtown condo and that his wife and daughter are about to be homeless or that he's dating a bankruptcy attorney because he can't afford to hire one. Yes, all those things were bad enough.

But what is really bad is the fact that Mayor Robbie Perkins left the Board of Directors of Newbridge Bank while failing to disclose his financial and IRS difficulties to stockholders. (SEC Filing) That's the issue the Securities and Exchange Commission will be most interested in when they study file # TCR1352911772718.