Monday, December 17, 2012

Perkins Draws Line Behind His Back

Mayor Robbie Perkins drew a line in the sand last week and dared anyone to cross it. Problem was, the dumbass drew the line behind his back and trapped his supporters on the wrong side of the line. So much for his ability to lead.

In attempting to paint Tony Wilkins as racist for caricatures of Councilwoman Smalls and former Councilwoman Wells (both black) Tony had posted to his blog but leaving out the fact that Wilkins had also drawn similar caricatures of more white council members than black council members Perkins drew outrage from Councilmembers Abuzuaiter and Kee. Key, by the way, is black and represents the mostly black District 2 in which I live. A district where most residents now believe they were doublecrossed by Perkins with campaign promises he never intended to keep.

Key also pointed out this week that the Mayor threaded to hold hostage long needed and promised East Greensboro improvements if Key did not support the downtown performing arts center.

Then there were Council members Zack Matheny and Nancy Vaughan who showed up on Wednesday to let us know there is no money to build a downtown performing arts center. No $20 Million is City finding, no Hotel-Motel Tax, no credit, no video sweepstakes and as far as anyone knows, no $20 Million Dollars in private funding from secret doners. Show us the money, Walker Sanders?

(By the way, is 3 and 1/2 months long enough to manufacture Action Greensboro meeting minutes Ms Saunders, or do you still need more time? Surely, with the #1 search result for Walker Sanders being this blog, Mr Sanders will want to clear this up before he goes job hunting in the very near future.)

But the battle is far from over. Trebic members and others invested well over $100,000 Dollars in getting Perkins, Hoffman and others elected to City Council to push this project through and they stand to take home most of the $60 plus Million Dollars that will be spent to build the Greensboro Performing Arts Center. They have yet to give up the fight and neither should we.

Join myself and members of Real Progress For Greensboro at Melvin Municipal Plaza just outside the Council Chambers to meet and discuss how we plan to oppose this effort and other efforts to rob from the working class to entertain the rich on Tuesday, December 18th at 5:00 PM.