I realize I have no proof that the e-mails sent to Eric Ginsburg of Yes! Weekly for his article, UNDER SURVEILLANCE, were doctored before they were sent to Eric but I do have an admission in an e-mail sent to me from Greensboro Police Chief Ken Miller that indicates that someone other than Greensboro Police have access to secret and sensitive police documents and/or e-mails.
I also have an e-mail from Ken Miller refusing to call in the SBI. Don't worry, I recently learned how to copy such things.
Yes, I'm the guy in the tin foil hat, the conspiracy theorist but what if you were a mayor who had lost control of a city council and needed to get them back in line very quickly and it just so came to your attention that a prominent local journalist was asking for public records? Would adding a few not so public records help you to make one council member look bad and scare the rest in line? What if you manufactured some extra information about that one council member who has opposed you at every turn?
No, I don't have proof, but what if I am right and no one ever bothered to prove it? Anyone remember the case manufactured against Police Chief David Wray by this very same city government? Everyone called us conspiracy theorists then too but David Wray proved to be innocent and the City of Greensboro is currently writing David very big checks on a regular basis.
See Ken Miller's words, "...had we seen them..." In this instance is WE not the Greensboro Police Department? And if the Greensboro Police Department didn't see them then who did see them? If WE is not the GPD then who is WE?
Even Rhino Times Editor, John Hammer confirmed to me on Tuesday night that non police have access to police records. Just how many civilians do have access to police records.
Also, I was made aware on Tuesday night by Councilman Jim Key that his e-mail had been hacked and that messages weren't getting to him. A fact I had already heard from 3 other sources before I ran into the Councilman.
And see Ken Miller's words, "...they were protected under North Carolina law." In other words, these were NOT public records and yet they were made available to Eric Ginsburg by someone other than the Greensboro Police Department. At least that's what Chief Miller's statement would leave us to believe.
Chief Miller, I told you that David Wray told me himself, face to face, that his biggest mistake was not calling in the SBI. Roch, Sam, Fred, Marshall, Jerry and ?others? were sitting at the table with David and I that day. I'm asking you again, if for no reason than to cover your own ass, please call in the SBI and prove me right or wrong.
Ken, I've told you before I believe you to be an honest man but I also warned you this city eats honest men. Think about it.
Update: John Hammer of the Rhino Times writes that Greensboro City Manager, Denise Roth and other non police personnel do have access to secret police documents:
"Both the Police and the Information Technology departments have to accept a share of the blame because confidential police files do not belong in a database that is accessible to the communications department."
Kinda adds possibility to my argument, don't you think? I wonder, how many people work in the City Communication and IT Departments and just how well some of them might be living?
I also have an e-mail from Ken Miller refusing to call in the SBI. Don't worry, I recently learned how to copy such things.
Even Rhino Times Editor, John Hammer confirmed to me on Tuesday night that non police have access to police records. Just how many civilians do have access to police records.
Also, I was made aware on Tuesday night by Councilman Jim Key that his e-mail had been hacked and that messages weren't getting to him. A fact I had already heard from 3 other sources before I ran into the Councilman.
And see Ken Miller's words, "...they were protected under North Carolina law." In other words, these were NOT public records and yet they were made available to Eric Ginsburg by someone other than the Greensboro Police Department. At least that's what Chief Miller's statement would leave us to believe.
Chief Miller, I told you that David Wray told me himself, face to face, that his biggest mistake was not calling in the SBI. Roch, Sam, Fred, Marshall, Jerry and ?others? were sitting at the table with David and I that day. I'm asking you again, if for no reason than to cover your own ass, please call in the SBI and prove me right or wrong.
Ken, I've told you before I believe you to be an honest man but I also warned you this city eats honest men. Think about it.
Update: John Hammer of the Rhino Times writes that Greensboro City Manager, Denise Roth and other non police personnel do have access to secret police documents:
"Both the Police and the Information Technology departments have to accept a share of the blame because confidential police files do not belong in a database that is accessible to the communications department."
Kinda adds possibility to my argument, don't you think? I wonder, how many people work in the City Communication and IT Departments and just how well some of them might be living?