Saturday, February 16, 2013

Yes! Weekly's Upcoming Retraction

Note: I tried to e-mail the following to Brian Clarey but he has blocked my e-mail address.

I already know more about Eric Ginsburg's activities than I want to tell. Fact is: I was a kid once and did a lot of the same crap Eric has done and got away with it. I was a motorcycle gang member. We were anarchists too. At least we thought we were. With all the many definitions who knows who is and who isn't. I did things that would make Eric Ginsburg cringe. Then I grew up. I want Eric and others to have that same choice. I could have already buried Eric and several receiving this e-mail know it's true. Every time I bad mouth someone, anyone, on my blog, people start contacting me with stories to tell about that person. The journalists on this e-mail list live with the same thing. In Eric's case I chose not to. Why? because compared to me, Eric is still a kid and kids deserves a chance to grow up and as much of an ass hole as I am (and yes I am an ass hole) I'm not going to make those kinds of decisions about any kid's life.

Dammit, I literally buried my son in December, how could I?

But Brian, Brian's job is to stop this BS from getting out of hand. He's posing as a newspaper Editor and if he can't understand it was his job to keep young reporters in check then he needs to find another line of work.

This one got me a good night's sleep

And this next one is a lie of sorts designed to piss off Eric and Brian and force their hand. It worked:

We'll be expecting that front page retraction in Yes! Weekly very soon either by Brian Clarey and Eric Ginsburg or by their replacements. It's time Brian and Eric took responsibility for their own actions instead of simply hiding behind mistakes made by GPD and the City of Greensboro. Two wrongs do not make a right and real men admit their mistakes to the world.

Man up, Brian Clarey or lose the respect of an entire city. Putting people's lives at risk for the sake of a story just doesn't fly in any journalist's book. You can argue all you want but you cannot win.

-Billy Jones