Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DGI 990 post #1 on page 1

Why and to who did the DGI Foundation, created in 2011, make grants for $19,953 and $12,386 = $32,339 listed under expenses, to DGI on page 1, line 13, of DGF's 990?

Where did the $23,734 and $205,064 in "contributions and grants" listed under revenue, on line 8 come from on page 1?

What was the $21,538 and $191,345 of expenses spent on, in line 18 on page 1?

Are we forming new foundations to launder money, money that was given to DGI by the City of Greensboro? What is the reason for the creation of the Downtown Greensboro Foundation? Or Downtown Greensboro Incorporated Foundation or whatever this shadow company is called?