Wednesday, March 27, 2013

GPAC Assumptions

George Hartzman made the following public records request from the City of Greensboro:

 "I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain public records that include information about the city's $10 million GPAC bond to be paid for with user fees associated with GPAC parking and ticket sales.

Please include the anticipated parking and ticket fees needed to pay for the principal and interest on the $10 million bond."

Here's what was sent to him

The first document labeled Assumptions 021913.docx can be seen by clicking the following link:

The next document labeled, Performance Management Work Plan may be viewed by clicking the next link:

And the last document labeled, GPAC Operating Model revised-Greensboro may also be found here:

Funny, they all look like assumptions to me. And you'll notice there are no answers to Curious Georges's questions. No mention of "user fees associated with GPAC parking and ticket sales." What I found amazing was how the GPAC is assumed to profit wildly in January and February but will lose massive amounts of money the other 10 months of the year-- do they only plan to open it 2 months out of the year? Surely not.