Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ditto, What Roch Said


By the way, I attended that dog and pony show along with Roch, Keith Brown, Amanda Lehmert, Charles Cherry, George Hartzman, John Hammer, Alex Jakubsen, Brian Clarey, Eric Ginsburg and at least one other journalist from Yes! Weekly who I don't know that I'd met before and I'll be surprised if any journalist, blogger or Greensboro city council person who was in the room came away from that meeting feeling as if any of their questions had been satisfactorily answered.

And no, before you say it, none of the bloggers and journalists in the room had harsh words with one another but city officials were backed into corners on several occasions. You see, the longer they avoid direct and truthful answers to our questions the more suspicious we bloggers and journalists become. 'Tis the very nature of the beast.

By the way, for those who were in the room, it's really impossible for a terrorist to poison the city's water supply by digging up a water line and pouring poison in the pipe. Why? Because the water main is under pressure, if you open it the water shoots out, not in. So where could a terrorist add poison to the city's water supply? There are several locations and you don't need maps to find them as you only need look up. They're called water towers and last I checked nobody stands guard there.

You see, Greensboro's biggest problem is that it is being run by people who are clueless as to how the real world and real systems really work. All those years in law school and an old redneck with a forged diploma from James B Dudley Sr High School makes you look like an idiot.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm back to working in my garden.

To learn more about Roch's long time battle with the City of Greensboro over the lack of transparency and public records debacle... Well, that was the link, click it.