Friday, May 24, 2013

Greensboro IFYI: Friday, May 24, 2013

Items for Your Information (IFYI) from City Manager Denise Turner Roth: Guilford County residents will be interested to learn that the City of Greensboro plans to add 15,000 acres of planned annexations by 2019 and 73, 152 acres overall. Got friends in Guilford County? Send them this link.

How can county residents slow down Greensboro expansion? Put pressure on Guilford County Commissioners to deny funding to anything Greensboro wants including the $10 Million Dollars the City is hoping the County will pay towards the downtown performing arts center. Anything that gets into the City's pockets will help slow down the advance into the county.

Several different cancer causing chemicals were found in testing gas probes not of the White Street Landfill but at the E. H. Glass Landfill located next door to the White Street Landfill and operated from 1965 to 1983. I'm not blaming Bill Glass, we didn't know better back then.

No mention of the US Army Landfill next door to Mr Glass's landfill or the previous Greensboro City landfill located very near the intersection of S English Street and Apache.  I wonder why not? How many of my fellow East Greensboro residents ever knew they were living on top of an unregulated landfill that operated for almost a century taking in waste from residents, chemical companies, Cone Mills and whatever else came to Greensboro?

You reckon I'll ever get my PIRT (Public Information Request) from 2/18/2013? It's #3 on the list. I've been told by several GPD officers who shall remain nameless what the policy is and they all concure I'm not being told because then GPD would have to stick to it. There's also the matter of the felony no one downtown wants to talk to me about. I guess I'll have to go on camera at a city council meeting...

On my 5/20/2013 request: the IFYI indicates the City has compiled the documents and that "legal will begin reviewing e-mails." Funny in a sad kind of way considering the e-mails all say "subject to public records requests" at the bottom. Are the stalling in an effort to hide something? Damn right they are.

John Godwin's PIRT is a perfect example of why I've been telling the City Manager and others it would be cheaper to put this stuff on line in an .html searchable database and let us search for it ourselves. Why? Because I'm waiting for the exact same information John is waiting for, word for word.

It's all here for your viewing pleasure without my commentary in this week's IFYI.