You get more of the following in the west. Click on the e-mail to view it full size.
You see, like the local media, I'm on the global mailing list for the Greensboro Police Department. I also check the GPD Daily Bulletin and I've long known that most of the armed robberies are not taking place in the neighborhoods that are most economically depressed.
And while it might be urban myth that "Slick Willie." Sutton said, "That's where the money is." we all know he would have never robbed the poor people in East Greensboro because we have no money for him to steal.
So here's the deal, we'll continue living in the most economically depressed neighborhoods in Greensboro for just as long as those of you in Greensboro richer neighborhoods can stand to live in Greensboro's most dangerous neighborhoods. Deal.
And don't think for a minute you're going to deprive us of our fair share of police protection like you did for 30 plus years... My neighbors will burn you out before they'll revert to that lifestyle again.
You see, while Greensboro's leaders don't like to talk about it, economic development is very much tied to crime. And fifty years of economic failures in Greensboro are bringing the crime directly to your nice cozy neighborhoods like it or not.