Monday, July 29, 2013

Greensboro Council Members Backtrack On Downtown Curfew

 I'm always amazed at the lengths politicians will go to cut their own throats. Take Councilwoman Nancy Vaughan and Councilman Wilkins who both voted IN FAVOR of the Downtown curfew. Now Councilwoman Vaughan is posting the following to her Facebook page:

"At city council's meeting to discuss implementing a curfew, Councilwoman Nancy Vaughan expressed concern that if teens were kept out of downtown, they would gather in other parts of the city and cause the same types of problems".

And following her lead, Councilman Wilkins wrote:

"Greensboro City Council Members Nancy Vaughan, Tony Wilkins, and Marikay Abuzuaiter try to convince council to extend teen curfew to city-wide status. At around the 2:30 mark Councilman Tony Wilkins suggests the problem would "likely" be displaced to other areas of the city. Unfortunately, about 3 weeks later, this happened with multiple fights and gunfire involving a crowd of around 200 people right outside of the curfew area."

And yet AFTER expressing the very concerns they're again expressing now, Nancy Vaughan and Tony Wilkins want you to think they were against the curfew. Well maybe but that's not the way they voted.  Actions speak louder than words. Only T. Dianne Bellamy-Small voted against the Downtown curfew and even she has yet to suggest solutions to the problems with the clock still ticking.

That's right, it's Hell Day in Downtown Greensboro... Wilkins and Vaughan might want to look into a different campaign adviser as that old drunk they're paying now is obviously too soused to know what the hell is going on.