Monday, July 15, 2013

News & Record: Downtown Problems Caused By Wealthy White People

From Amy Dominello Braun at The Business Journal:

"The News & Record looks at how the two issues have contributed to the downtown's growth and how it's shaping downtown's future as wealthier, white people take up residence and open businesses downtown....

...Some black youths say the fights have been blown out of proportion and that the incidents are being used as a smokescreen to address the concerns white business owners have that too many black people are hanging out downtown."

It ain't just black youths saying it either. Old white dudes like myself who have spent our entire lives in Greensboro know that Downtown has always been a historically black community and to try to force people from their homes, no matter what their race, creed or color, goes against everything this nation stands for.

Riots? No, I won't be throwing any bricks. But I might know where a few are piled up and waiting for strong, young arms should the Greensboro City Council not get its act together yesterday.

Hell Day continues here at East Greensboro Performing Arts Center where today the Greensboro City Council is wishing they had listened to crazy old Billy Jones 2 years ago.