Thursday, August 1, 2013

If Greensboro's Leaders Were Really Interested In Economic Development 55

They would allow qualified local Martial arts instructors to teach evening and late night classes to young and old in Greensboro's recreation centers while helping poorer families with the cost of these classes.

The cost would be minimal to the City and some could be off set in rents and the reduced costs of not having undisciplined out of control teens on our streets.

Martial arts programs across the country have proven popular with teens and where used have a history of producing better behaved, less violent teens who are safer and better able to manage themselves and their emotions when faced with confrontation.

Martial arts programs would help with Greensboro's growing obesity problem and teach children respect for authority in ways traditional teaching cannot do. Children who learn Martial arts historically have a higher chance at being successful entrepreneurs.
And the money paid to these local Martial arts would remain right here in Greensboro where it would continue to help grow our local economy. You know, if our leaders really cared.