Wednesday, November 20, 2013

S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan Dereliction Of Duty

Last night, while his bosses, the Greensboro City Council, was discussing giving $8 Million Dollars in taxpayer funds to the developers of a new downtown luxury hotel. Greensboro City Attorney S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan was photographed watching the Duke basketball game on his laptop.

I wonder if Council would have voted last night to give Mujeeb a raise  from $162,000 to $166,860. had they known his attentions were elsewhere? Here we have proof positive Mujeeb has willfully refused to perform his duties, preferring instead to spend his time while on the taxpayers' dime, pursuing his own personal agenda.

I wonder if that laptop is property of the City of Greensboro? If yes then it should be examined immediately to determine what else Mujeeb spends his time doing.

With a nod to George and Ben.