Mike Barron is currently in his 13th month of a second round of cancer and is not expected to live much longer. There is nothing the politicans responsible for the $150 Million Dollar "mistake" known as the Randalman Dam would like to see more than for Mike to die and all of this to go away. It isn't. Right now, myself and others are working to push this issue into the national spotlight. I'm hoping those of you who read this will pass it along and not allow Mike to die in vain.
Throwing good money at bad. That's the plan for Project Haystack, a proposed 2000 acre Megasite the State of North Carolina, City of Greensboro, City of Burlington, Guilford County and Alamance County are planning on the Alamance/Guilford County lines. On the Google map below, C is the proposed location of the proposed Project Haystack Megasite, B is the location of the Randelman Dam and A is Lake Macintosh, the city water supply for the City of Burlington. Greensboro pland to spend $21 Million Dollars to provide water service to the data centers from the Randelman Dam B when Burlington's Lake Macintosh has more than ample water and is 20 miles closer. Why?
View Larger Map
The answer is simple really. As Mr Barron points ut in his post, Paradigm shift: Greensboro as a water exporter:
"Greensboro has vastly overbuilt it water works while the news media slept. The city now owns 53% of the RanRez output and it has no need for the water! Is it any wonder why a distant elementary school will be Greensboro's first foreign water customer? This school will drink from Greensboro's vast water surplus.
Greensboro is exporting water! Ca ching ca ching. It's just too bad that sound will NOT be profit."
As Mike pointed out in 2010, The Jamestown News wrote:
"Work on the dam and lake began in 2001 and was finished in 2003. By then, High Point and Greensboro said they didn't need the water but in 2008 both municipalities agreed to finance their portion. They later pulled out of the proposed bond referendum, selling their own bonds and paying the PTRWA their portion."
Mike added and I couldn't have said it better:
"Greensboro never needed the Randleman Dam. It was a scam.
Its secret objective was to accelerate growth but it was pitched to citizens and to the feds for survival to get RanDam approved and funded.
Now the RanDam Scam is a cover-up."
So here we have politicians from Greensboro to Raleigh to Washington, Republicans and Democrats alike who all got together to spend $150 Million Dollars on a 3000 acre lake that wasn't needed while all the while the City of Burlington was offering Greensboro the chance to buy into the 1100 acre Lake Macintosh which is many miles closer to Greensboro and completed in 1991. It's almost 2014, are we getting water from the Randelman Dam yet?
Data centers, the proposed use of the 2000 acre megasite code named Project Haystack, use lots of water for cooling their many computers. Smart data center operators locate their facilities in cool climates but with enough incentives they might be enticed to buy water instead saving the asses of a whole bunch of lifelong politricksters from both sides of the isle.
And that brings us to why North Carolina Govoner Patty boy McCrory and the North Carolina Legislature made absolutely no efforts to entice Boeing to come to Greensboro or any other city in North Carolina. They're going to need every dime they can scrape up to entice those date center operators to fill that 2000 acre Project Haystack megasite and buy that water from the Randalman Dam.
You see, the bonds will be coming due soon and if the Randleman Regional Reservoir Pedmont Triad Regional Water Authority can't repay the bonds then heads roll all the way from Greensboro throughout the entire Piedmont Triad, through the North Carolina Legislature and all the way to Washington, DC.