Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jim Westmoreland Gets Top Greensboro Position

The Greensboro City Council voted last night to go ahead and hire Jim Westmoreland to replace Denise Turner Roth as Greensboro City Manager. Unlike Roth, Westmoreland has actually put in his time to earn the position.

Westmoreland will face issues of civil liberties, the growing public records scandal, investigations by grand juries, out of control poverty, the new white ghettos, the performing arts center scandal, and the impending implosion of commercial real estate market -- the only thing the City of Greensboro has invested in during recent years.

Westmoreland will be forced to look into Roth's history of illegal corporate give-a-ways, higher taxes and water rates, unbelievable assumptions and fraud written into studies, being made to look like fools by smaller nearby cities, the chorus of yelping dogs and too many more to list.

What kind of job will Westmoreland do? I haven't a clue but I do know his hands will be filled with a million problems and the corruption created by Denise Turner Roth, Greensboro City Attourny, S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan, former Mayor Robbie Perkins, current Mayor Nancy Baracat Vaughan, Councilwoman Nancy Hoffman, Councilman "Zip-me-up" Zack Matheny, and the remainder of the corruption created by staff and City Council.

Westmoreland will also face growing lists of reasons why CEOs will not want to bring their companies to Greensboro, white flight, black flight, youth flight, educated flight, an eroding tax base, a whitewashing of Greensboro's problems by the City funded Greensboro Partnership and Greensboro's most well known economist, Andrew Brod, coming out against the Greensboro economic development agenda and actually saying what I've been saying for years. More lists and more lists.

While all the while, Greensboro is dying...

Sometime, in the not too distant future, I hear Jim Westmoreland, captain of the Starship Greensboro exclaim, "Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here."