Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Okay Mayor Vaughan, It's Us Or Them

From the Raleigh News & Observer:

"Two million of us are classified by the federal government as hungry – over 20 percent, the nation’s fifth-highest rate. Nearly 622,000 of our kids don’t get enough to eat. Greensboro is the country’s second-hungriest city..."

Greensboro is the country’s second-hungriest city. Let that sink in for a while. Greensboro's poverty rate exceeds 20% and there's no end in sight. Meanwhile, from today's News & Record concerning ownership of the Greensboro Performing Arts Center:

"The nonprofit board would hire the city to operate the center, and the board would be able to terminate that contract, according to the draft agreement.

“What we think is important to put in place is the governance structure that keeps the private sector actively engaged in the facility,” Sanders said.

The draft agreement also suggests the city and new nonprofit would jointly own the performing arts center building, dividing ownership based on how much each group contributed toward the construction.

That would give the nonprofit 63.5 percent ownership of the building, according to the draft agreement.

The foundation also suggested that 5 percent of the gross profits go to the nonprofit after the center has been in operation five years, according to the draft agreement."

The intentions of Walker Sanders and the rest of Greensboro's elites are now fully known and they are exactly as myself and others have said they were since the GPAC process began 2 years ago: their intention is to seize public assets in the form of property and tax dollars for themselves at a time when poverty rages rampant. It would appear even that Walker Sanders has no knowledge of the Article of Incorporation of the Community Foundation.  which were designed to empower the poor, not entrench the rich. If Walker Sanders can raise $35 million dollars to build his own monument then why can't he raise $35 million dollars to help Greensboro's poor working class? If Walker Sanders and the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro were serious about helping Greensboro they'd be using their millions to start public works projects in our neighborhoods much like the CCCs and the WPA so that the money could go straight into our local economy. Instead, The Community Foundation donates its money to the Kennedy Performing Arts Center in Washington, DC. Sanders doesn't give a damn about Greensboro.

Sanders is also using some funny math leaving out the $13 Million or so the taxpayers paid for the property and a few million more the taxpayers will have to cough up before construction starts.

You see, the part no one wants to talk about is this: Non profits foundations are forbidden by law to give money to city governments. Non profit foundations such as the CFGG can only donate to other non profits. Check the link to the articles of incorporation above. Walker Sanders has known this all along and he's played Nancy Vaughan like a fool but now he's got Nancy over a barrel: If GPAC is to be built a non profit has to own at least part of GPAC.

I can't tell you to burn down neighborhoods like Irving Park but should I ride past on my homemade moped and see a fire burning there the batteries on my Obama phone will be dead. Dead, I tell you.

It's time Mayor Nancy Baracat Vaughan and the entire Greensboro City Council pulled the plug on any and all funding for the GPAC. If the elites want to build it them let them build it with 100% private funding.

Please send this post to everyone you know, no matter where they live so that all the world can know what kind of city Greensboro, North Carolina really is. Thank you. -Billy Jones