Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Do They Make This Stuff Up?

The following link is the Projections through 2017 from the Sustainability Plan for Civil Rights Museum and just like the last 2 hotel studys and the various studies sent to me for Project Haystack there's nothing, no math to back up their assumptions-- just lists of numbers that we are to assume are real. But wow, when you look at those numbers....

From a Public Information Request submitted by George Hartzman and myself this morning:

"Who approved the 2010 and 2011 audits as "acceptable"?

As I recall, it was Mujeeb and Denise.

Who was in charge of whether or not the 2012 audit was delivered on time?

Which council members knew the 2012 audit was late?


Who determines if the 2012 audit is "acceptable"?"

Seriously, do they make this stuff up and does anyone check behind them?

Update: George leaves the following linkfest in the comments:  http://hartzman.blogspot.com/2014/02/linkfest-from-civil-rights-museum.html 

I'm always happy to oblige.