Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mayor Vaughan Can Read And Write

Thousands are beginning to question Greensboro Mayor Nancy Barakat Vaughan's reading abilities in recent days because of her refusal and/or inability to answer the same questions submitted here and here, in multiple e-mails at Real Progress For Greensboro and in a Facebook thread belonging to Councilman Tony Wilkins.

In today's News & Record, Reese Coble calls for accountability:

"Why does the council not pass an ordinance requiring staff to submit all contracts in writing and requiring council members to sign off before one red cent is paid out? There have been too many giveaway programs passed by this and past councils. It is very easy for someone to give something away that is not theirs.

To sum it up, the staff well as council must be held accountable for their actions."

It is without a doubt easy to believe our Mayor and city staff are in-fact illiterate-- how else could an unsigned contract have slipped past them?

But amazingly enough, in response to Roch Smith Jr's article, Should Greensboro council have voted on attorney in open meeting? in which Roch points out that North Carolina law forbids Council from firing employes in closed session, Mayor Nancy Vaughan replies:

"Roch, the answer is contained in the statute you referenced "FINAL action...". He was not fired. He resigned. No vote is required to accept a resignation. We did vote in open session to modify his contract, which is required by statute. Since this is a personnel issue I cannot comment further."

Mayor Vaughan can read and write! And yet the Mayor and City Council still refuse to answer:

"Members of Greensboro City Council,

Who among you has seen the actual unsigned original contract between the City of Greensboro and the International Civil Rights Center and Museum (ICRCM) upon which a $750,000 check was issued and cashed?

More importantly: Was the notary seal copied and pasted or was it stamped to the original document?"

Why? My questions concern strictly Council members, not personnel issues-- what is their reason for failing to comment now?

E-mail your answer Mayor Vaughan and I will post a screen grab to this blog so there is no doubt it is really you. Your credibility and popularity falls with every minute you and the rest of Council delay and nothing short of an honest answer can save you. Should you attempt PR efforts you will only delay the inevitable.