Friday, March 28, 2014

It's Our Money, DGI

In his piece, Barbarians at the Gate City, Jeff Martin writes:

"Welcome to the new Greensboro, assholes. We’re blogging and not going anywhere. Worse, with Jeff Sykes and George Hartzman at YES! Weekly, T-Dub on council and Eric Robert on the board of DGI, bloggers are infiltrating the political process of this city with devastating results."

As he references threats against Eric Robert by Mayor Vaughan. What's that? Have you read of anyone else coming out publicly saying they want Eric off the board? That's right, only Mayor Vaughan has threatened Eric to date.

New DGI board member Brittany Atkinson responded,

“I think there are some cultural issues here,” Atkinson said, referring to Robert’s French heritage. “Being someone who has worked abroad and in different cultural situations… the way he is handling himself in person and on his blog is not uncommon in France but it’s not how you carry yourself here in the more conservative South.”

I met Brittany for the first time just the other day and while I can't disagree that historically things have been done a bit differently here in the Southland, as a dyed in the wool Southerner it is my belief that our artifical politeness is helping to usher in our own demise. After all, Southern cultural norms were established in a time when Southern elites ruled with heavy hands over slaves, indentured servants and sharecroppers alike. It's time we got over it. To be polite to someone while watching them steal from you is tantamount to pleading, "Massa, whoop me a hunnerd mo lashes, pleas!"

In other words, Eric Robert would be stupid not to speak his mind the way he does.

By the way, Brittany, it was nice talking with you, I think you're a great addition to the DGI board and your cupcakes were excellent.

And then there's this quote from Mayor Vaughan:

“It’s never been done before and I don’t think it’s something that should be done casually,” she said. “On the other hand I think Eric has to realize that words have consequences. Everybody has to own their words.”

This is coming from the same woman who lied about parking in downtown Greensboro to help push through the downtown performing arts center. That's right Nancy, you have to be willing to own your words-- even those words you dare not utter.

This quote from Simonne McClinton puts it all into perspective:

"McClinton said the issues raised by Robert’s conflict with other board members predate his role on it and speak to a deeper issue with the way the entity functions.

“Often when you say something that seems to question the way things are done or the way things have always been done it feels very retaliatory,” she said. “They don’t want to be questioned about things. You get the sense if you ask a question that it’s not welcome and that you’re just supposed to show up and say yes to things. I’ve always gotten the sense that discussion is unwelcome.”

You see, like the Southern Elites of old, Greensboro's Elites still believe themselves entitled. How dare commoners speak up for themselves no matter how great their accomplishments.

"Some of the most recent conflict stemmed from a change in process, in which board’s executive committee made decisions about allocations of funds rather than being approved by the entire body as happened previously, McClinton said. There have been times in the past that McClinton said she questioned planned expenditures, such at $80,000 for newspaper corrals, but was concerned like Robert that funding was being approved without the full board’s support."

And here Simonne sums it up:

“It seems to me like we have a fiduciary responsibility to discuss how the money is spent and to vote on it,” she said."

After all, it is our money DGI is playing with. Be very careful, DGI, you could find there's even enough support among your membership to put Billy Jones on your board. Then there will be hell to pay.