Sunday, March 30, 2014

What Others Are Saying About Zack Matheny

By now all my regular readers are familiar with my accusations that Zack Matheny is in the business of selling taxpayer funded incentives to developers and has ties to gangster Rocco Scarfone but tonight I thought I'd take the time to run Zack Matheny through Google blog search and see what other folks have to say about Zack.

Back in 2008 when the subject of protest petitions came up, Ed Cone asked Zack to explain how Greensboro is different from other North Carolina cities? Zack's reply:

"The are many reasons why Greensboro is different than Raleigh and Charlotte, and there are many reasons why I chose to live here over our sister cities. It is also a reason why I wanted to serve on our City Council. As far as my campaign contributors, I will not apologize for working hard in our community and having the support that many people I have volunteered with shared with me. "

In case you're not familiar, a protest petition is a means by which you and your neighbors can use to attempt to stop undesirable projects from being built next door to your home. For some strange reason Zack thought Greensboro didn't need that right despite the fact that every other city in North Carolina was allowed to do so.

The News & Record's Amanda Lehmert called him, "Mr. Economic Development" but then questioned why Zack voted no on a $1.975 Million Dollar incentive deal he sponsored. Zack's answer,

 "It’s too much for me personally."

But when Zack first brought the deal to Council it was $8 Million.

Recently someone declared,

"Nancy Vaughan, Zack Matheny, Mike Barber and Nancy Hoffman hate the panhandlers and want them to die."

And as another local writer points out, when it comes to how our taxes are spent, Zack says,

"Tony, not everybody in this whole world wants to know or cares."

You're right, Zack, not everybody in the world cares but people in Greensboro care. Apparently a lot more than Zack Matheny cares.

In 2012, Zack publicly

"...shocked many observers when he chose to berate the representative of a prospective vendor and call him a liar.  This occurred at a city council meeting and was televised for all to see."

Zack was an employee of competitor, Greenday Recycling at the time.

In 2009 when a rezoning case came up off of Elm and Cornwallis:

"Let's also take what Zack Matheny had to say in regards to this rezoning case off of elm and cornwallis. "I have never seen a developer work harder. If you ask Mr. Stratton he would probably tell you he and i don't agree on everything. I am a much better golfer than he is for one thing". It looks like Zack Matheny has a golfing buddy in zoning presenter John Stratton. What is your relationship with Mr. Stratton? Was he one of your anonymous investors off of Highway 68 which you will not disclose?"

In December of 2013 someone else wrote:

"I know Howard Coble, Howard Coble is a friend of mine and Zack Matheny is no Howard Coble… not even close."

In 2008 Zack was asked:

“Did you make any type of promise to the PAC that Johnson would not be fired and that you would take action to financially help the civil rights museum?” Without taking anytime to mull over the question he responded by saying “There is no validity to that whatsoever!”

The record shows that Zack did take action to financially help the civil rights museum and that he was made aware of the problems the ICRCM was facing but did nothing to resolve them.

Earlier this year, when Zack failed to attend a candidates forum even folks way off in Watauga County had things to say,

"If Zack Matheny is so adverse to criticism then how will he perform and make the tough decisions in DC? Apparently his campaign strategy is one of avoidance."

On February 15, 2013 Zack was quoted as saying,

"Business owners, mostly downtown, met with me a few years ago and laid out some ideas on safety and their needs,” Matheny told The Guilfordian. “In addition, repeatedly, I receive feedback from citizens about public safety, again, mostly regarding downtown and their fears."

"...a few years ago?" So why did he wait until after Friday, Feb. 2, when two men were shot and injured at Greensboro’s Club Inferno and numerous other shootings had taken place before he formed his task force?

In 2009 someone asked,

"If Zack Matheny raised $46,358.46 from contributors in 2007 while serving on the zoning commission, and then voted for related zoning requests as a councilman less than 12 months later, why didn’t he recuse himself..."

Zack on Participatory Budgeting:

" It is too early. We have just begun a PB task force; however, Greensboro does have PB in action. Many groups and people lobby Council for funding, make compelling case, and receive funds; therefore, we do have an active citizenry."

Want to venture a guess as to which citizens Zack was referring to?

Here Zack votes in favor of unlimited spending by corporations and special interest groups to influence elections.

And in January of 2014 when Ed Cone wanted to know what is Zack's plan for economic development? 

Well, Zack has yet to present us with any plan other than to say,

"As a small-business owner, I dedicated my life’s work to promoting economic development and creating jobs in our region."

Only thing is, when it comes to being a small business owner, Zack's business, White Oak Capital, was founded in 2012. So much for dedicating his life's work.