Saturday, April 26, 2014

Please Madam Mayor, Correct Me If I'm Wrong

On Friday, April 18 I wrote, How Greensboro Could Lead The State... For Once, in which I explained how the City of Greensboro could use the internet to become more transparent and lead the state at the same time.

In yesterday's News & Record, Margaret Moffett Banks wrote of a State agency called NC Open Book.

I decided to take a look around NC Open Book and low and behold I found "grants going to non-governmental organizations"  from the State of North Carolina. There you can see all the grants the State passes out each year.

But the City of Greensboro, despite all the talk of transparency, has no such website.

I also found at the same NC Open Book website, a link to the NC Department of Commerce website where a list of all the economic development incentives paid out by the state can be found.

But the City of Greensboro, despite all the talk of transparency, has no such website and no such feature on the City of Greensboro website.
Please Madam Mayor and City Council, since I emailed this post to all of you, correct me if I'm wrong.