Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Power of One

In November of 2012 I wrote of my battle with Regional Finance and how, when destitute, I signed the back of a $1000 check that came in the mail knowing I had no means to repay the loan and ended up in court.

I wrote of how I accepted the blame and didn't try to fight repaying the loan but did fight a $25 hidden charge and won that part of the case even without a lawyer to represent me. Since that date the blog post has been read by hundreds of people who found via Google searches.

Later, someone in Ohio would find that blog post and out of the goodness of her heart, send me $1000 to pay off the money I owed. I managed to make enough hauling scrap metal to pay the interest.

Today I opened my mailbox and found a refund check from Regional Finance for $25.93. It was a small victory but one that helped thousands of people across North Carolina. It's true that I remain destitute today but that's why I do what I do.