Thursday, May 8, 2014

Another Mel's Pressure Washing Scandal?

Yep, there's another one and I know the whole story. In fact, this one is even bigger than the first. Now the question becomes will the City of Greensboro deal with it satisfactorily or will I have to make the whole thing public knowledge ruining the lives of even more people than are necessary.

I asked for public information requests so that I would have actual numbers at hand but the fact is: even without the numbers I've got a big enough story to bury several high level city employees, cost them their retirements and make sure they never hold jobs in municipal government again-- ever.

It's all in the autopost-- they'd best hope I don't die before I have time to delete the story. You see, when you abuse positions of power it does come back to haunt you later on. And while I might not be able to exercise revenge against everyone who ever hurt me I can damned sure exercise revenge against people who hurt others.

But hey, I promised Jim Westmoreland that if he'd fix it I wouldn't blog it. And Jim, I'll know if you lie to me as I've got informants in almost every department the City of Greensboro has with new ones signing up all the time because they're sick and tired of the public's perception of City employees as nothing but a bunch of crooks and they don't trust management to solve the problems without running over the honest employees.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, The Yvonne And Walter Johnson Saga.