Tuesday, May 20, 2014

yettiPad Greensboro

I've known about yettipad Greensboro for quite some time but in recent weeks it has become a driving force in the Greensboro Blogosphere as it tends to be more inclusive of the local blogosphere than some other blog and media aggregators serving the Greensboro market.

I don't know anything about who owns yettiPad, how it works, who manages it or why it was built, I just know that yettiPad along with George Hartzman's Greensboro Triaggregator have become major players in online content locally.  That's why links to both can be found in my right sidebar. If you're writing a local blog or know of a local blog feel free to use yettiPad's Suggest A Feed link as I'm sure they'll add yours-- someone added mine without my asking.

And if you don't know how to get in touch with George and want to be added to his Greensboro Triaggregator you only need e-mail me at RecycleBill@gmail.com with your blog URL and I'll pass it along to George.

Thank you Someone!