Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Where Are Charles And Nina Coffey?

I awoke from my afternoon nap dreaming about today's News & Record editorial thinking about what they had wrote:

"...Charles Coffey and his wife, Nina — who have been harder to find than Elvis."

And thought to myself, Elvis is dead. I was in Memphis in 1977, that's why they can't find Elvis. Needless to say, with what I now know about Sonny Vestal my mind couldn't help but think the worst.

Sonny's father, Gloyd Vestal Sr killed Angelo Pennisi in 1969 over a $6,000 Cadillac that Gloyd had apparently stolen and sold without a title then tossed Pennisi's body out of an airplane into Lake Gaston.  After a few years of trials with a crooked lawyer named Jim Swisher of the law firm Cahoon & Swisher, the charges were reduced to manslaughter. Old time Greensboro residents all know Jim Swisher's reputation.

The News & Record reported that Sonny Vestal had lost his real estate license for ripping off a trust account. That trust account belonged to Mike Elliott of Piedmont Premiere Properties  who had hired Sonny Vestal's real estate management company to manage accounts for him.

According to Sonny the money was invested in a restaurant named Capone's. You know, like Al Capone, the notorious gangster many tell me Sonny seems to admire and models himself after. According to Sonny his partner ran off with all the restaurant equipment and was never seen again.

Sonny's partner in that heist was a Mr George Michael Glykis,  a long time employee of Sonny's father Gloyd Sr, and last known to be hiding from Sonny in Savannah, Georgia probably in fear of his life and running up a few bills as he rushed to get the hell out of Dodge... er, I mean, Greensboro.

By the way, I don't know if it has anything to do with it or not but Sonny has family (cousins) in Chatham County where George's tax lien was filed.

Anyway, with all this info about Sonny coming in via my team of investigators and nobody seeming to know where Charles and Nina Coffey are I couldn't help but wonder...  How long have Charles and Nina been gone? When was the last time anyone saw them? Are Charles and Nina in the bottom of a lake somewhere? And has anyone even checked to see if they're alright? Maybe that's what happened to all the money at Heritage House? And when Charles and Nina found out... cement shoes.

But hey, maybe I'm just getting all worked up over nothing and shouldn't have taken my nap so soon after I ate my lunch. I mean, the homemade eggplant Parmesan was great but you know what the aftereffects can do, right? Probably should have baked it instead of frying it.