Monday, July 22, 2019

Is The Smokeable Hemp Debate Just A Bunch Of Smoke?

Perhaps you have read or seen recent media reports stating that various law enforcement agencies want to make it illegal to drive while using smokeable hemp, a form of Cannabis that does not contain THC and is legal in North Carolina?

Users of Smokeable Hemp use it as a cheaper alternative to CDB for pain relief and health benefits.

North Carolina farmers are very concerned about the possible ban because hemp has the potential to become a very lucrative crop for them.

Law enforcement agencies are asking for the ban because they claim they are unable to tell the difference between Hemp and marijuana.... But is that true?

A Google search using the words marijuana breathalyzer turns up a number of companies that claim to already sell devices that officers can use at traffic stops to test for marijuana and several other companies that claim such products will be on the market very soon. Are these claims real? I don't know but if I were a con man there are lots of folks I'd attempt to con before I started trying to con cops.

Then there's this: If you are caught in possession of marijuana, even if you are not driving, how do the police determine that what you have is actually marijuana and not hemp... or parsley? Just looking and smelling isn't going to stand up in court. I mean the smell might have come from the Boy Smells Purple Kush Scented Candles sold by Nordstrom or the his and her favorite Marijuana Perfume by Kolmaz.

Get real, People, court convictions require real evidence and making something illegal just because law enforcement is difficult does not make it right. Could it be someone in the CDB manufacturing business doesn't want to compete with cheaper Smokeable Hemp. Before you brand me a conspiracy theorist keep in mind that Hemp and Marijuana were first made illegal because of efforts by competing industries.

From WRAL in Raleigh: Perhaps this is the real reason they want to make Smokeable Hemp illegal:

"If this bill passes without the ban, we will put 800 of our law enforcement dogs and their handlers out of business," Dixon said."

Cops trying to protect other cops with no concern about the health of those persons who have managed to better their lives by treating illnesses with the best product available to them at the lowest possible cost. Yep, same old story, competing industries who don't give a damn about anyone other than themselves.

Show me a police department anywhere in the State of North Carolina that wouldn't hire more officers if they could, dogs or not. And do these dogs serve no purpose than to sniff drugs?

Will a dog's nose stand up in court or does the marijuana the dog finds also have to be tested by some scientific process? Sure the dog's nose meets probable cause but can a conviction be based solely on a dog's nose? I mean the smell might have come from the Boy Smells Purple Kush Scented Candles sold by Nordstrom or the his and her favorite Marijuana Perfume by Kolmaz. Can a dog tell the difference? To confirm my suspisions I contacted retired DEA Special Agent Fred Gregory who lives here in Greensboro and sent him the following e-mail:

"As a DEA agent did you ever have to confirm the THC content or strain of  marijuana to prove it was in-fact marijuana and not industrial help?
It seems to me that even though both are/were illegal, as marijuana is a Schedule I drug and Hemp is not a Schedule I drug that any good attorney could use the failure to produce test results as an easy means to get a case thrown out of court.


Fred replied the next day:


All DEA seizures or purchases of marijuana are submitted to one of the DEA labs where chemists conduct tests on the substance and  send the reporting  office a written report. In most cases the defense would accept the chemist's findings. Once in  while some a-hole attorney would require the chemist to come to court and testify. I think our chemists were exceptionally well trained and experienced enough to distinguish the two .

Actually, I think in the 7 years I was Agent-In-Charge of DEA Greensboro ( Middle and Western Federal judicial Districts) that we only brought only one marijuana case to Federal court and that was a 1200 pound hashish seizure. 



I think I've made my case that a dog's nose will not stand up in court and therefore the argument that putting drug sniffing dogs out of work is reason enough to make Smokeable Hemp illegal. As for the handlers, perhaps they could be reassigned to the much bigger problem of distracted driving.

And perhaps the SBI and FBI need to be looking into the possibility that manufacturers of CDB and Big Pharma are pushing to make Smokeable Hemp illegal? Yep, it's a conspiracy theory but quite often conspiracies turn out to be real. Don't you think we should know before new legislation is passed?

Share with everyone you know including your elected representatives to find out.