Sunday, December 15, 2019

Danville Gets Jobs, Greensboro Gets Glitter

I'd like to point you to 2 stories in the local news that exemplify why Greensboro continues to fail economically when cities around us are thriving.

The first story from Danville, Virginia: AeroFarms plans to build largest indoor vertical farming facility to date in Dan River Region, bringing 92 jobs with $42 million investment. So how much did this cost taxpayers there:

"Incentives for the company include $190,000 in grant money from the Virginia Tobacco Commission, $200,000 from the Governor’s Commonwealth Opportunity Fund and $200,000 from the state’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund."

Meanwhile here in Greensboro we get, Greensboro Science Center unveils plans for new holiday light display:

""Think Tanglewood on steroids," CEO Glenn Dobrogosz said of the $1.6 million investment.

The plan is for the attraction to last 40 days as a way to boost the tourism economy during slow months, the organization said."

There is no way in HELL that $1.6 Million Dollars spent on flashing lights can even begin the compare to $42 Million and 92 long term jobs growing local food that won't be sprayed with sewage waste that causes diseases like the produce that comes from California, Mexico, and no telling where else. And Greensboro is spending over 3 times as much while claiming it is for economic development.

"as a way to boost the tourism economy during slow months"

But these are the people that you chose to run our community.