Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Open Letter To GPAC2012

So far the Rhino Times, the Business Journal and the Citizens for Economic & Environmental Justice have all failed to respond to e-mails.

So I decided to go directly to GPAC2012 via their contact page.

"To whom it may concern,
On your website you quote the Greensboro News & Record in saying Arts Center Task Force is Open to All Views:

“Recent editorials in the News & Record have raised excellent questions about efforts to examine the need for a performing arts center in downtown Greensboro. As members of the task force studying this issue, we are proud to report that every effort is being made to understand all points of view in our community.

To this end, we have diverse representation on the task force, including representatives of many of the existing performance sites in the city.

Over the next three months, the task force will work in conjunction with nationally recognized consultants to obtain objective information about the potential costs, locations, size and economic benefits associated with such a project and prepare a fact-based report for the City Council."

Does this mean you are really open to all views including the view that the Greensboro Performing Arts Center should be placed on the City owned, abandoned shopping center at the intersection of Phillips and Elwell Avenues? Or does it mean you are only open to views that promote downtown locations?

Do you believe that all of Greensboro should share the gems of the City of Greensboro or do only downtown and Northwest Greensboro deserve performing arts centers, natural science centers and other such amenities?

Are you aware of the fact that the City of Greensboro has been systematically destroying Northeast Greensboro for over 50 years?

Do you believe a performing arts center would stimulate our local economy and provide jobs for Greensboro's less advantaged neighborhoods? If yes, they why not put those jobs in our less advantaged neighborhoods instead of forcing the poorest workers to travel the farthermost to get to work and back home? Transportation is expensive and hours on buses are hours people can't spend working to pull themselves out of poverty.

Are you aware there are over 3000 acres of available commercial properties in East Greensboro that already have access to city water and sewer?

And do you care?

Thank you --Billy Jones
East Greensboro Performing Arts Center

PS. I posted this letter online and anxiously await your timely response."

And so, we'll see what that brings.

And when you're discussing it on Twitter, be sure you use the hash tag #GPAC2012 so they'll know you're discussing them.

Continue to article #67. Anyone Notice How The News & Record Leaves The Rest Of Greensboro Out Of The Conversation Concerning The Greensboro Performing Arts Center?.