Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Greensboro Ranks 95th Out Of 100 In Opportunity

Greensboro Ranks 95th Out Of 100 In Opportunity

Greensboro Ranks 95th Out Of 100 In Opportunity

Greensboro Ranks 95th Out Of 100 In Opportunity

Get it!

 A recent study by the Equality of Opportunity Project ranked Greensboro, North Carolina 95th out of the largest 100 cities in terms of citizens' ability towards upward mobility.

The hellholes of Atlanta, Charlote, Columbia and Memphis, all cities Greensboro's "leaders" and current City Council has hoped to emulate all ranked lower. Raleigh at 93, Greenville at 90 and Birmingham at 89 are also cities our "movers and shakers" have expressed interest in emulating.

Detroit, even in bankruptcy, ranked 94th, ahead of Greensboro, North Carolina.

Need I say more about the Greensboro City Council and the rest of the idiots in charge of this dying city?

Just one more to add to the list of many reasons Why You Don't Want To Bring Your Company And Your Family To Greensboro, North Carolina

 And why is Greensboro in the shape it's in? Monday's an Anton's.

Link via George Hartzman who is running for Mayor of Greensboro and pointing out these things when the status quo won't.