Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mike Barber Lied On First Tee Federal Form 990s

In the letter Mike Barber e-mailed myself and others in an attempt to defame George Hartzman he wrote:

"990 vs 2 salaries
I prepare a draft 990 so I know my salary is on it-I put it there."

So it is established that Mike Barber, a licensed North Carolina attorney at law and member of the Greensboro City Council is aware of the contents of the Federal Form 990s of the non profit, First Tee of the Triad of which he is President and CEO.

Federal Form 990s for First Tee of the Triad list no "Noncash contributions" as seen in the photo from First Tee's 2012 Form 990 shown below. Other years are the same.

 But according to Part 9 of the contract between the City of Greensboro and the Bryan Foundation, First Tee of the Triad has preferred and unrestricted use of Gillespie Park Golf Course.

That, my friends, is what is commonly known as an in-kind contribution hidden in the contract between the City of Greensboro and the Bryan Foundation and unreported on Federal Form 990s by Mike Barber who is now in the position of repaying the Federal Government back taxes for multiple years.

Also, further evidence from Federal Form 990s of failing to list in-kind contributions: Clicking on any of the photos will enlarge them. Line 3 is left blank:

Line 5 is left blank:

And it isn't just the City of Greensboro, my friends, First Tee of The Triad lists the following locations as providing them with services: Winston Lake Golf Course, Gillespie Golf Course, Greensboro National Golf Club, Oak Hollow Golf Course and Tanglewood Park. Are these public and privately owned golf courses writing-off the expense of providing services to First Tee of The Triad and thereby adding to First Tee's debt to the Federal Government?

Of course, what is really going on here is government subsidization of the game of golf and the golf industry in an attempt to recruit more and younger golfers at taxpayers expense. I guess we're just lucky Mike Barber never seriously took up boating.

How's that for "positive and effective life skills" Councilman Barber? Do those skills include gambling on tee shots? An entire Elite establishment, status quo must suffer all because Mike Barber refused to support transparency in Greensboro government. Good luck with keeping that license to practice law, Mike. But look on the bright side, you will probably make a great used car salesman-- someone Kennedy and Chase can really look up to.

As always, please share with everyone you know and I hope you enjoy the musical accompaniment below.

And Mike, in case you didn't know, I'm the guy who exposed Betty Cone, Robbie Perkins and even forced the gangster Rocco Scarfone to back down. They don't call me the Greensboro Tyrannicide for nothing. I am your worst nightmare and with the help of honest citizens I will bring transparency to Greensboro government. After all, I've got nothing better to do.


Update: Question: Did the Bryan Foundation list the $150,000 cost of the  upgrades to the City owned golf course as a tax deductible gift to government and if so then wouldn't that make the users of that gift somehow liable for the taxes or at the very least required to disclose their use of that gift? After all, non profits are not supposed to be in the money laundering business nor are they supposed to create needs that don't exist as a means to spend their money any way they wish.