Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fake Cameras Aren't Working Any More

Drive on to any big box retailer in Greensboro and look around and you'll notice cameras all over the parking lots. Problem is: Most of those cameras are fake and the crooks know it.

Last night a man was robbed and his van stolen when 2 men forced their way into his car.

The problem is: The cameras are designed not for the safety of shoppers but only to prevent shop lifters so most of the cameras in the parking lots of your favorite big box retailers and grocers are i9n-fact, fake cameras that no longer deter the real crooks.

And so with crime skyrocketing in Greensboro our city leaders now think it's a good time to spend $60 Million Dollars on GPAC, a downtown monument to Greensboro elite, instead of hiring more police officers.

We hope you enjoy your shopping experience.