Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ed Cone Grows A Bone

A spine that is.

Yesterday Ed wrote:

"So to the GPAC team: You are where you are. It's not where you want to be, but you have a great product and now you need to adjust to the new realities to get the thing built.

That may mean winning a vote, and it definitely means winning a PR battle. So, you better get serious about doing that. And that means running a campaign that reaches young people and extends to zip codes you rarely visit (which means spending money).

If you're Robbie Perkins, it means finding ways to make the guy who wants your job and the woman who will eventually get it become solid proponents of this thing, and practicing persuasion instead of arm-twisting up and down the dais.

Otherwise, you might as well quit now."

Is Ed referring to the Mayor's problems with the Securities and Exchange Commission?

I've been horribly difficult with Ed Cone in recent months both publicly and privately and no I'm not apologizing because Ed has been spineless for too many months. But to Ed's credit he has finally spoken up even though he supports the other side.

Also, to Ed' credit, he was the first person to get it when I first suggested an East Greensboro Performing Arts Center. Ed Cone rightly suspected all along it wasn't about an East Greensboro Performing Arts Center but was in fact about getting the Greensboro City Council to live up to 1000 acres of empty promises. Something Mayor Perkins and the rest of the GPACers still can't get through their greedy, self absorbed pea brains.

You see, while the GPACers were trying to paint me as insane for suggesting they place GPAC in East Greensboro it was actually themselves they were proving to be short sighted, insensitive to the needs of the community, greedy, shallow and self absorbed. I fooled all of them including Mayor Robbie Perkins into proving their disregard for Greensboro's communities by going ahead with GPAC before addressing the many community bond issues passed by Greensboro voters but never made available for sale to bond buyers, therefore never bringing much needed improvements to our many working class neighborhoods. It might be I'm insane but I outsmarted the best and brightest among them including that dimwitted mayor. Too bad the rest of the GPACers weren't as smart as Ed Cone.

And to Ed's defense, it's well known how his kind eats their own so perhaps he was forced into hiding.

Now for a little bit of news: up until now you GPACers have been fighting a completely unorganized anti-GPAC effort. Should the Greensboro Performing Arts Center go back before City Council for any reason before the November ballot all that will change. Anti-GPAC political action committees will be formed, protest marches will be organized and the local news media will have no choice but to give voice to the anti-GPAC message. You will not have enough money to buy enough support to overcome us. City Council meetings will become nightmares. Council members will be forced to openly declare where they stand or be washed away in a tide of doubt. Anyone who isn't with Greensboro's working class is against Greensboro's working class, no ifs, ands or buts.

Don't believe me? See the number at the top left rapidly approaching 41,000? It will be 300,000 or more by November-- more than enough to influence local elections and topple the current Council. On that you have my word. Me crazy? Like a fox. And you GPACers? Dumb as a mud fence.

It's not that I don't respect authority...

Update: Comments from Facebook:

Billy, this Performing Arts Center, is going to be built for just a few upper class citizens. I am not in favor of this project at all. It will cost millions of dollars to build it. After building it, it will cost the taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars to keep it going. I will aid in stopping this project. -Reese Coble, retired Guilford County Deputy