Saturday, April 5, 2014

How Bad Is It In East Greensboro?

I keep on my porch a plastic pan that we fill with scraps destined for the chickens, worm bins and compost pile. It sits on top of this little white plastic table. I'm used to the occasional raid by birds and other animals but this morning I found the pan as you see it here, upright, nothing spilled but raided just the same.

Only a human could pick up the pan and place it on the porch under the table. As a matter of fact, the pan has to be tilted slightly to fit under the table. As far as I can tell, nothing was stolen from my porch unless you consider eating garbage stealing. Someone removed the lettuce scraps because he or she is starving to death. He or she pulled the pan down low to avoid being seen.

People are so hungry here in East Greensboro they have resorted to eating garbage and with $272 Million Dollars in the City Savings account Mayor Nancy Baracat Vaughan, Councilman Zack Vaughan, head of Greensboro's Economic Development Committee and the Greensboro City Council ignore new ideas to help the local economy while wealthy council members head up feel good non profits that pay out less than 7 cents for every dollar they take in.

This is the Greensboro they have given us with their many years of real estate development as economic development nonsense.