Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Final Word On Fecund Stench

Jeff Martin and his supporters forgot one thing when it comes to protections afforded by the Constitution and the US Bill of Rights, that thing being something we were all taught in jr high school: YOUR RIGHTS END WHEN THEY BEGIN TO INFRINGE UPON THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.

And yes, before you say it, I've also crossed that line. The difference is I admit and regret doing so. Jeff Martin, on the other hand, continues to defend his actions claiming to have done it for a cause, claiming his "malevolence has goals" when in fact the only goals Jeff Martin ever had was to entertain himself and others at the personal expense and pain of his subjects which include several among this thread.

That, my friends, is tantamount to dog fighting, cock fighting and other forms of abuse. Jeff, who is without a doubt of highest intellect but no moral standards whatsoever, has honed abuse to high art and weaponry.

It causes me great personal pain to know that I have caused undue pain to people I should have never attacked in my efforts to end corruption and stop the building of the Greensboro performing arts center. But Jeff Martin has taken this to mastery having done it since long before I began and without ever expressing any sort of remorse. And he even tricks you into thinking it is his right to cause others harm.

As a matter of fact: even in the same thread he brags as if he has accomplished something of greatness while putting himself at great personal risk.

Dismiss me all you wish, you all know I'm right. I can't say how the court might rule or if the suit will actually go to court but there is no acceptable defense for the years of abuse our community has suffered at the fingertips of Jeff Martin and his Fecund Stench blog.

Update:  As posted here: 

"We should also be talking about the truth and most of what Jeff Martin has been writing here and elsewhere has little to do with truth and more to do with Jeff's twisted desire to see others suffer at his keyboard.

And no matter what the Constitution does or does not guarantee, Jeff Martin should be made to suffer some sort of consequences for years and years of intentional abuse as he is obviously too callous to care. If nothing else call him out for what he is: the worst kind of skum on the Internet today. Maybe the courts will let him off but that doesn't mean you and I should forget his evil deeds.

Since this began anonymous cowards have attempted to paint me as being the same as Jeff Martin but despite all my faults, wrongdoings and mistakes I have never intentionally written or said anything that could be construed or misconstrued as racist, anti-Semitic or anything of that nature. But as we all know Jeff Martin has done all those things, thus was his intention in naming his blog, Fecund Stench in the first place.

If I've accidentally crossed some line because of my ignorance of other races, religions, creeds or ethnic divisions then I apologize for not being better informed than I am. It was never my intent.

I'm sick of keyboard cowards and I'm sick of being compared to this trash that has wooed so many of you into his corner like abused children who do their best to make the abusive parent like them only to continue to be abused! I will tolerate it no more and will go to whatever means necessary to make sure I am never victimized by Mr Martin again.

You should all man up and do the same.

Yes, I have hurt innocent people and I was wrong to do so but you don't see me defending my wrongs in threads all over the Internet. I'm paying for my mistakes right now, Jeff Martin should pay for his evil intentions as well."